The Broadband Technical Fellow title is bestowed by the New Mexico Office of Broadband Access & Expansion to exceptional individuals who have broadband expertise and experience and who have provided a major influence on the direction and success of broadband development and who are acknowledged for their ability to inspire the broadband industry’s growth in New Mexico.
New Mexico Broadband Technical Fellows:
Aquilles "Alex" Trujillo - recognized July 2023 for outstanding service and expertise
Aquilles "Alex" Trujillo - recognized July 2023 for outstanding service and expertise
NM Broadband Technical Fellows have experience and expertise in:
New Mexico Broadband Technical Fellows Qualifications:
- Broadband technologies (fiber, fixed wireless, microwave, and satellite)
- Network design
- Maintenance and Operations
- Lead or worked for an ISP
- Data centers and aggregation centers
- Tribal broadband needs and implementation methods
- Regional broadband needs and implementation methods
- New Mexico interconnect points and backhaul access.
- Broadband certifications
- Broadband mapping
- Broadband project management
- Broadband funding
- Federal standards
- NTIA, USDA and FCC requirements
- Spectrum requirements and implementation
- School broadband implementation and funding
- Middle Mile strategies
- Public private partnerships for broadband
- State Broadband best practices
- Needs of covered populations
- Knowledge of ongoing policy and legislative matters
- Rights of Way, permits, easements, pole attachments both at federal and state level
- Costs models for broadband implementation and build out
- Life cycle models
New Mexico Broadband Technical Fellows Qualifications:
- Takes initiative
- A leader and a voice for broadband
- Strong attention to detail and ability to prioritize information
- Willing to learn about broadband issues and share out simultaneously
- Communications experience
- Commitment to accountability, transparency, and building a more just society for New Mexico
- Preferably already lives in or has some connection to New Mexico
- Willingness to advise on grants, engineering, Network design, connect points, costs, data centers, framework, lifecycle and implementation as part of your job or pro bono
To recommend someone be accepted as a NM Broadband Technical Fellow or to recommend and apply yourself, send an email to start the process to: [email protected]