Digital Equity in New Mexico - Announcements
PINON GRANT Opening in January!
OBAE grant funding opportunity for digital inclusion activities in New Mexico will open in January.
To learn more about the OBAE PINON Grant, click here.
View the PINON GRANT introductory Slide Deck and NTIA Specific Projects Resource Form
from the Digital Equity Working Group Meeting 12/12/2024
Digital Equity Plan
New Mexico Digital Equity Plan
To increase Digital Inclusion activities and achieve Digital Equity, New Mexico is creating a state Digital Equity Plan. The plan will develop and implement the Digital Inclusion actions needed across the state to make Digital Equity for all New Mexicans a reality. |
WHAT IS Digital Equity?
What is Digital Equity? Digital Equity is the condition in which internet access, affordability, and the ability to use digital technologies to reach important goals is possible for everyone. This means everyone is equally able to benefit from the educational, economic, employment, and health opportunities that the internet provides. New Mexico State Legislature defines Digital Equity in House Bill 10. WHAT LIMITS DIGITAL EQUITY?
What Limits Digital Equity? Digital Equity is limited by a range of barriers that prevent people from having home internet service, acquiring quality devices, gaining the skills they need, or having access to technical assistance. These barriers may be related to larger socioeconomic factors or may be a consequence of location, language, and physical abilities. These limits to Digital Equity create a division between those who experience equitable conditions and those who do not. This division is referred to as the “Digital Divide.” WHAT ADVANCES DIGITAL EQUITY?
What Advances Digital Equity? Digital Equity is advanced through the practices, policies, and programs of that make it possible for everyone to operate under digitally equitable conditions. Together, these activities are referred to as “Digital Inclusion.” Digital Inclusion activities include providing low-cost device and internet service plans as well as free and locally available training and IT support in accessible and inclusive locations. ARCHIVE of Announcements & Press Releases
12/9/2024 PINON Grant will open in January 2025
The Office of Broadband Access and Expansion (OBAE) is excited to announce the Promoting Internet Needs of New Mexicans (PINON) Grant--an initiative designed to help bring more digital equity to residents and communities across the state. Awarded funds will range from $25,000 to $500,000 to support subgrantees in enhancing their digital equity programs. OBAE plans to award more than $7.3 million through the PINON Grant. Funding and application information will be available January 13 on OBAE’s website, and entities may begin to apply on January 21. Entities eligible to apply include:
To learn more, click here. 10/25/2024 NTIA Digital Equity Award Announced!
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) awarded $8.67 million to New Mexico through the State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program, one of several Digital Equity Act grant programs created by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. The Office of Broadband Access and Expansion (OBAE) will use the federal funds to implement its Digital Equity Plan, addressing barriers to broadband access, affordability, and meaningful and safe internet usage. NTIA accepted New Mexico’s Digital Equity Plan in April 2024. OBAE will award the funds to New Mexico entities to implement digital inclusion activities. The money will be used to help New Mexicans with device access, online accessibility and tech support, digital skills training, as well as privacy and cybersecurity. Timeline:
Newsblast OBAE Press Release
09/01/24 Registration Opens for Digital Equity Summit on September 27, 2024!
The 2nd annual Broadband Digital Equity Summit is Friday, September 27, 2024, Event Location: National Hispanic Cultural Center 1701 4th St SW, Albuquerque, NM 87102 Registration and Opening Introductions in the Wells Fargo Theater (inside the Disney Performing Arts Building). Free Parking onsite. Event is free but space is limited and pre-registration is required. Register online here: 05/30/24 NM OBAE Submits Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program Application Ahead of Schedule!
The Office of Broadband Access and Expansion (OBAE) recently met an important digital equity milestone. Last week OBAE officials submitted the State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program application to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) several days ahead of the May 28, 2024 deadline. The submission represents an important step in New Mexico’s pursuit of equitable access to technology and resources for all New Mexicans. OBAE Press Release 04/10/24 NM Digital Equity Plan Approved by NTIA!
We're thrilled to announce that the New Mexico Digital Equity Plan has been approved by NTIA on 04/10/24! A heartfelt thank you to our community for your invaluable input throughout this process. Stay tuned for more information on the Digital Equity Capacity grant. NTIA Press Release
01/08/2024 Webinar of the Digital Equity Plan Draft
Access the webinar unveiling the Digital Equity Plan draft held on January 8, 2024 Presentation Deck Link. Webinar Link |
Digital Equity Resources
Explore the digital equity resource section to discover tools, guides, and initiatives aimed at bridging the digital divide, ensuring equitable access to technology and information for all.
Explore the digital equity resource section to discover tools, guides, and initiatives aimed at bridging the digital divide, ensuring equitable access to technology and information for all.
Affordability resource library
Affordability Resource Library
Explore the broadband affordability resources page, featuring local Internet provider lists and information on affordability programs to help you access affordable internet options in your area.
DiGital Literacy/Skills Resources
Workforce Development Resources
Workforce Development Resources
Digital Equity Planning Resources
Digital Equity Planning Resources
Coalition Guidebook
Ready to learn digital skills or help your community learn digital skills?
- AARP Senior Planet
Need a Computer? OR Willing to Consider Donating a Device/s?
Learn more about New Mexico's Computer Donation and Distribution Initiative and how you or your organization can participate. Organizations are invited to join the ecosystem online to potentially receive donations for distribution and/or refurbishments and/or click "donate tech" to begin processing a personal, corporate, or agency donation of tech to communities and community members in need of a device.
Learn more about New Mexico's Computer Donation and Distribution Initiative and how you or your organization can participate. Organizations are invited to join the ecosystem online to potentially receive donations for distribution and/or refurbishments and/or click "donate tech" to begin processing a personal, corporate, or agency donation of tech to communities and community members in need of a device.
Looking for more resources?
Learn more about digital equity efforts and opportunities in New Mexico. Visit the NM Public Education Department (PED) and Digital Response_Ability initiative to improve digital citizenship for students in New Mexico. PED Digital Equity & Digital-Citizenship
- Visit New Mexico State Library - Digital Equity Resources Online
NM State Library Digital Equity Program - Visit City of Albuquerque Broadband Office
ABQ Broadband Office
Learn more about digital equity efforts and opportunities in New Mexico. Visit the NM Public Education Department (PED) and Digital Response_Ability initiative to improve digital citizenship for students in New Mexico. PED Digital Equity & Digital-Citizenship
Digital Equity Landscape in New Mexico
Digital equity is essential for providing equal opportunities in education, employment, healthcare, and civic engagement by ensuring fair access to and effective use of digital technologies. Discover how New Mexico aims to tackle these challenges through its Digital Equity Plan, initiatives, and resources, working to bridge the digital divide and promote statewide inclusion and opportunity for all.
Digital equity is essential for providing equal opportunities in education, employment, healthcare, and civic engagement by ensuring fair access to and effective use of digital technologies. Discover how New Mexico aims to tackle these challenges through its Digital Equity Plan, initiatives, and resources, working to bridge the digital divide and promote statewide inclusion and opportunity for all.
NM Covered Populations
Below is an interactive report showing New Mexico's metrics for each of the covered populations as defined by National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).
Below is an interactive report showing New Mexico's metrics for each of the covered populations as defined by National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).
Data sourced from U.S. Census Bureau (2020)
Learn more About Digital Equity
National League of Cities Digital Equity Playbook
City leaders across the U.S. are prioritizing attempts to bridge the digital divide. Their actions and solutions must adapt to communities’ needs, depending on the causes of the digital divide. Cities are undertaking various digital inclusion efforts to ensure digital equity in their communities." Learn more, read the Digital Equity Playbook.
City leaders across the U.S. are prioritizing attempts to bridge the digital divide. Their actions and solutions must adapt to communities’ needs, depending on the causes of the digital divide. Cities are undertaking various digital inclusion efforts to ensure digital equity in their communities." Learn more, read the Digital Equity Playbook.
NDIA Digital Inclusion Coalition Guidebook
Provides an in-depth look at successful models and recurring themes across coalitions, accompanied by best practices, lessons learned, and specific recommendations from the field. Some of the key themes covered in the guidebook include: how coalitions form and are structured, keys to successful coalition operations, and ways coalitions adapt over time to maintain effectiveness and sustainability. The guidebook is intended for individuals and organizations who are committed to advancing digital equity in their community and who recognize the value of coalitions in achieving that goal. Whether you are exploring the possibility of forming a coalition in your community, or you are part of an established coalition looking to refine your approach, we encourage you to explore the guidebook and hope it will be a valuable resource in your digital inclusion work. " |
Watch "Closing the Digital Divide in Border Communities"
This video was created as part of a training program hosted by the Equity in Policy Institute out of the UNM TREE Center. This video was one of six community partnership teams in New Mexico, each of which learned how to make a digital story and policy brief on different topics. This video story is about the digital divide in a border community. The policy focus underscores the idea that access to the internet, and the knowledge to use it, should not be defined by where you live and who you are. The team that helped make this video hopes it will be useful in statewide Digital Equity and Inclusion initiatives. This video was made with thanks to many including: